domingo, 7 de junio de 2020

Hello every body, I took this picture, in fact it's a recording from 2010, I was eleven or twelve years old, in that moment I tried to make a Gamecube portable. It's not very noticeable but behind the screen is the disk reader of the console next to its motherboard and the power supply, all this reduced clearly (I cur a couple pieces to portabilize it). Well I like this video/image because it's remermber me a moment of my life in that the only thing that mattered was the desire to do new and interesting things every day, such as gundpowder, potato launcher, fireworks, or  disassemble old consoles and try to do what the image shows, I mean a console that can be carried anywhere.

Well, surely everyone is wondering if I achieved my goal and the answer is no :( just think about that I was twelve years old It's a miracle that I'm alive after the thing I made, in addition to make that portable console required a great knowledge in electricity, that obviouly I did not have.

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