lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

My favorite movie

Well I don't have only one favorite movie, I have a lot because I would bored to watch always the same movie. So my favorites movies are Batman begins, Batman dark knight, Batman vs Superman, Project Almanac, Iron Man and Ender's Game. But I think the best is Ender's Game.

I like to watch science fiction movies like Ender's Game. I like this kind of movies because It give me ideas for proyects with the progamation or research in internet, for example in the movie Matrix It is stated that the world we are living is a computer simulation controlled by cyber intelligence, in real life a test is that we can create life that can be reproduced and communicate with other programs, for example the neural networks, that are a type of algorithm, that allow program to learn from the interection with us or another Neural networks.

The most recent movie  I saw was Aftet Earth, I recomend It if you like the science fiction and the space movies. It is about a spaceship that collides with a group of asteroids and lands of emergency on a nearby planet that was the Earth.

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