sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

The website that I like related to my career

The website that I like is called www.erowid.org. This website publish information related to entheogens and psychedelic drugs (entheogens are  is a psychoactive substance that induces alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior for the purposes of engendering spiritual developtment in sacred context), mainly information on the properties of the molecules, the plant from which they are extracted, the extraction process and the legality to make these procedures.

I visit this website when I'm searching about entheogens, principally psylocibine, that is extracted from magic mushroom or psilocybe cubensis, because I think it's a drugs that could cure various mental disorders. So I visit this websit often, when I have enought motivation to investigate.

I like this page because It is very difficult to find reliable information regarding processes of entheogen or psychotropic extraction, since in many countries it is considered illegal. However, this web page in all its publications attaches the source of the information, therefore one can check the veracity of the content.

Thanks for read me! I hope this post can help you. Have a nice week!!

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