miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Why I choose Chemestry and Farmacy?

When I was a kid my dream job was to be a scientific or something related to job in a laboratory and discover new compound, also I wanted to study Medicine; so finally I choose study Chemestry and Farmacy because this allow me to have a deep knowlodge of the drugs, that maybe one day I synthesize and sell them in my pharmacy.

My stay at the University has been good because I have made good friends and meet at my girlfriend, also I have learned the things that I want.

In the future I want to work in my own farmacy, I will name it "Los Pinares" because it's the name of the village that I grew up. Also I would like job in a laboratory of drugs like Drug  Pharma as quality control manager.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Matías, when I was a child I'm also dream with be a scientific but I choose Food Engineering.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I study Chemistry and Pharmacy too, but I will like to job with people more than in a lab. I will hope that your dream will make reality.

  4. Hello. I hope that you can reach your dream, will be interesting see a farmacy with that name. I'm studying too the same career, really is beautiful.
