sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

My autobiography

My name is Matías González, I was born in October 21 of 1998 in Antofagasta, Chile. I did my elementary in Colegio Bet-el and my high school in Colegio Inglés San José, during this period I did swimming pool during four years. Then when i finish high school i did my military service where I got the rank of "cabo segundo". In 2018 I entered in Universidad de Chile for study chemestry and pharmacy.

My favorite hobby is program microcontrollers for robots or another proyects, also I like play piano, practice diving and surf, of course in Antofagasta, too I have two brothers and five cats. My brother Axel is a mechanical engineer, he live in Antofagasta and spent his time repairing motorcycles; my brother Erick is the older and is a industrial mechanical civil engineer, he is living in Germany doing a Doctorate degree. Dad's job is mining and my mom is massage therapist.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Mati, your hobbys is really interesting, specially about that program microcontrollers for robots.
