sábado, 4 de julio de 2020

Not everything is study in this quarantine

In this post I will write about what I do in my freetimes in this times of home study.

First I star my morning at 10 a.m if I don't have class in the morning, and at 8 a.m if I have class, I feed my cats, then I have breakfast while I watch some anime in my cell phone. If is my free day I play Valorant an hour, then I watch anime still the lunch time, after lunch I play with my cats then play Valorant again still the dinner time. At night I used to play minecraft with my friends or my girlfriend, sometimes I play Dauntless. If I have class I just play Valorant since 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm, because All my class are until 6:00 pm.

Well, I love play Valorant because is a shooter in which We can use different types of characters that have different types of powers, but this game did not come out of nothing, I mean is a combination between the shooter games called Counter Strike and Overwatch, and the better is that Valorant is free. My favorite character is Raze and Omen, the first is a Brazilian girl specialist in explosive, her ultimate power (We can use it when We kill 6 enemies or die six times) is a rocket launcher that when It reches its objective causes a damage to all nearby enemies; Omen is a ghost of bygone times that lurks in the shadows. He is able to blind the enemy, teleport across the battlefield, and wreak havoc and paranoia while his rivals wonder where he will attack next time.

Valorant: Omen, el agente más misterioso del FPS de Riot Games ...Valorant: Raze, habilidades y presentación del agente - Millenium

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