jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

My favorite subject this semester

My favorite subject this semester is "Electromagnetismo", the things that We do in class are not of other world, We just resolve a guide called "seminario" that the teacher send us, also We watch the video that he upload to ucursos, then We meeting with the teacher in zoom for a more complete explanation and solve doubts.

Well, the main contents that I have seen are electromagnetic force, magnetic field, electromagnetic waves and electric circuits, also We solve context problem, I mean problems that We can find in real life, for example the magnetic field produced by a copper wire connected to a battery of "X" Volts.

I like this subject because teaches us about how work the most commoun comunication devices, like the radio. Also we learned that all things that use electricity produce magnetic field due to the high speed movements of electrons and that the electric cars motors as well as fan motors use magnetic fields to work. So in summary I like it because we learn about how the electricity can produce magnetic field and how can We take advantage of this phenomenon to use in daily life.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

The website that I like related to my career

The website that I like is called www.erowid.org. This website publish information related to entheogens and psychedelic drugs (entheogens are  is a psychoactive substance that induces alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior for the purposes of engendering spiritual developtment in sacred context), mainly information on the properties of the molecules, the plant from which they are extracted, the extraction process and the legality to make these procedures.

I visit this website when I'm searching about entheogens, principally psylocibine, that is extracted from magic mushroom or psilocybe cubensis, because I think it's a drugs that could cure various mental disorders. So I visit this websit often, when I have enought motivation to investigate.

I like this page because It is very difficult to find reliable information regarding processes of entheogen or psychotropic extraction, since in many countries it is considered illegal. However, this web page in all its publications attaches the source of the information, therefore one can check the veracity of the content.

Thanks for read me! I hope this post can help you. Have a nice week!!

viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Removing a virus using the command system of Window

Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect computers. The term "virus" is erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from  one computer to another (in some form of executable code). One of the ways by which a virus can infect your PC is through USB/Flash drives.
Most anti virus programs are unable to detect them and even if they do, in most cases they are unable to delete the file, only quarantine it.So in our post we use command prompt to remove harmful files that
any anti-virus can't. 

1.1 Open the Start menu. Click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or press the window (the key with the flag) key on your keyboard.
* For Windows 8, place your mouse cursor in the top-right corner of the screen, then click the magnifying glass icon when it appears.

1.2 Type cmd into the "Search" field. Doing so will search your computer for the Command Prompt app, which will pop up at the top of the search menu.
* If you're using Windows XP, you'll instead click the Run app on the right side of the Start menu.

1.3 Right-click Command Prompt. It resembles a black box. Doing this will invoke a drop-down menu.
* If you're using Windows XP, you'll instead type cmd.exe into the Run window.

1.4 Click "Run as administrator". It's near the top of the drop-down menu. Doing so will open Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
*You'll need to confirm this choice by clicking Yes when prompted.
*If you're using Windows XP, you'll click OK to open Command Prompt.
*You won't be able to run Command Prompt in administrator mode if you're on a restricted, public, or networked computer (e.g., a library or school computer).

2.1 Type in your directory's name. This will typically be the letter on the disk drive (e.g., "C:").

2.2 Press "Enter". This will change the Command Prompt's search location to your selected directory.

2.3 Type "attrib -r -a -s -h *.*" into Command console. The "attrib" command forces all hidden, read-only, archived, and system files to display in Command Prompt, and the "-r -a -s -h *.*" section of the command removes these attributes from non-legitimate files.
*Any legitimate system files won't have their attributes removed, and you'll see "Access Denied" listed to the left of them.

2.4 Press "Enter". Doing so will display all previously hidden system files' names.

2.5 Scroll up to find your virus. If you know the virus' name, you'll simply need to scroll up to it. Otherwise, look for files ending in ".inf" and ".exe" that don't look familiar.
*Before proceeding, be sure to double-check any file names you suspect of being viruses by looking them up.
*Common virus names include "autorun.inf" and "New Folder.exe".

2.6 Type "del [file name]" and press "Enter". Doing so will remove the virus from your computer.
*For example: to delete the "autorun.inf" virus, you'd type in del autorun.

2.7 Close Command console. The virus should no longer affect your system. You may even notice a slight increase in computer running speed or app response time.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2020

Hello every body, I took this picture, in fact it's a recording from 2010, I was eleven or twelve years old, in that moment I tried to make a Gamecube portable. It's not very noticeable but behind the screen is the disk reader of the console next to its motherboard and the power supply, all this reduced clearly (I cur a couple pieces to portabilize it). Well I like this video/image because it's remermber me a moment of my life in that the only thing that mattered was the desire to do new and interesting things every day, such as gundpowder, potato launcher, fireworks, or  disassemble old consoles and try to do what the image shows, I mean a console that can be carried anywhere.

Well, surely everyone is wondering if I achieved my goal and the answer is no :( just think about that I was twelve years old It's a miracle that I'm alive after the thing I made, in addition to make that portable console required a great knowledge in electricity, that obviouly I did not have.